Childhood Obesity in America : the words of the kids

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One of the primary reasons I started this blog was to inform people on exactly how to make healthy way of life choices. one of the methods I do this is by spreading understanding about health and wellness problems that impact people every day.

We are all familiar with the youth obesity epidemic. roughly one out of every five kids in America is overweight or obese. Some people blame it on the quick food industry. Others state that youngsters are not getting sufficient exercise as well as are sitting in front of computers, televisions as well as video games as well long. Still others state that the food that our youngsters eat at institution is to blame.

I don’t believe any type of of what I discussed above is the total reason behind the epidemic. After reading the book, “Overweight What youngsters Say,” by Dr. Robert A. Pretlow I wrapped up that there truly is evidence that my theory is accurate. The introduction states: “This book is about almost 134,000 messages written by youngsters on an open access, interactive site for overweight teens as well as preteens, ( as well as during the period from 2000-2010. with commentary as well as tips provided by the author. This book provides what youngsters state about being overweight in their own words – their challenging lives, their striking struggles to lose weight, as well as their valuable success stories.”

I have always believed that in purchase to make an effect on the obesity issue in the united states it very first has to begin in the home. parents requirement to be informed on exactly how to make healthy options as well as then in turn pass on that info to their children. Some reasons a great deal of parents make are,

“I am as well hectic to cook healthy foods,” A great deal of parents believe that because of their hectic way of life they should purchase quick food for their family. Dr. Pretlow explains in chapter one, “But would parents really enable their youngsters to ended up being obese with health and wellness risks, self-esteem problems, etc., just so the parents may save time?” would you let that occur to your children, or would you do something about it?

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Another reason explained in this book is, “I can’t pay for healthy food for my family.” one of the prominent theories behind the obesity epidemic is that bad people can not pay for to purchase healthy food so they eat junk as well as quick food as well as ended up being overweight. I agree that this can result in obesity however it is not the primary factor. If these people are informed then they will understand exactly how to make much better choices. Dr. Pretlow’s reply to this argument, “…if these theories are true, when poorer people ended up being wealthy, wouldn’t it be expected that they would then purchase as well as eat healthy foods as well as achieve healthy weights? For example, what about native American tribes, who ended up being rich from casinos on their tribal lands? I went to two such tribes near Seattle, a number of years after they had begun reaping significant revenues from their casinos. The tribal members still ate the exact same high-calorie native ‘comfort foods,’ such as ‘fry bread,’ as well as had just as much issue with obesity as before they ended up being wealthy.”

I have always believed that educating people on exactly how to make healthier way of life modifications will ultimately put a dent into the obesity epidemic. however what way of life modifications do people requirement to discover much more about?

The government bombards us with info on what foods we ought to eat as well as exactly how commonly we ought to exercise. based on the info offered by obese kids in a poll conducted by Dr. Pretlow, youngsters today are not searching for that type of information. They would rather discover much more on exactly how to withstand cravings.

Sixty-two percent of the youngsters polled specified that they discovered about healthy eating in schools. Their lack of understanding on healthy eating may not be a cause of the youth obesity epidemic. Then, what is?

If you want to understand the reality behind youth obesity you should go best to the source, the kids suffering from it. As parents we want our youngsters to stay healthy as w健康的な体重を維持するエル。あなたの子供が太りすぎまたは肥満である場合、あなたはそれについて何ができますか?






多くの子供たちは、両親と自分の体重について話すことができるとは信じていません。彼らは、彼らが人生で最も重要な人々から要求するという支援が不足しています。肥満の10代がいる場合は、あなたがあなたの子供のためにそこにいることを彼または彼女に理解させてください。彼はあなたと何かについて話すことができます。サイトの若者の何人かは、両親が健康食品を提供していないことを指定しました。プレトロー博士のサイトを利用した多くの若者が両親からサイトを隠しました。同様に、これらの子供たちは、両親が幼い頃にジャンクを与えることで両親が太りすぎになり、フィットネスセンターに参加したり、減量の医師や栄養士を見ることができるかを聞いたときに聞いていないことを指定しています。 。同様に、若者の多くは、両親も同様に肥満であり、体重を減らそうとしないことを選択していることを指定しました。


ペアレンタル機能デザインを持つことは、10代の若者が体重を減らそうとするために非常に不可欠です。正確には、両親はどのようにしてポジティブロールモデルになることができますか? Pretlow博士は述べています、













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